Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Reminder Letter

Dear Parents:

Just a friendly reminder that next week is our last meeting of 2010. We will be meeting with both troops for our annual CHRISTMAS PARTY. We are inviting family and friends again to join us for pizza and dessert. I am asking for everyone to bring in their FAVORITE HOLIDAY TREAT to share!! Pizza's and drinks will be provided.

While everyone is together I will briefly go over all the information regarding COOKIE SALES that will begin in January. This is much easier to do now, rather then waiting until next month to hold a formal parents meeting. We also will discuss any “information” that may be important.

The time of the party is from 5:00-8:00pm at 82 Serrel Sweet Rd (this is the same place we had our Thanksgiving Pot luck). Parents are invited for the first hour of the program, and then are able to leave while the kids enjoy their Christmas party. Please remember you are to bring a small gift for your daughter under $10 with their name clearly labeled. I am asking the girls to dress in their favorite PJ's, bring their stuffed animal and blanket. We will be watching the movie “THE POLAR EXPRESS” and enjoying some homemade hot chocolate made special by me.

Any questions please feel free to call me. 383-3452 or look for any updated information at our website at

Thanks Again,

Kiley Rodrigues

**Don't forget, next Tuesday's meeting IS NOT at my house. It will be at the church. The same venue that we had our Thanksgiving Dinner.

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